Wednesday, October 21

Lint and Tobacco

The drug policy at my school is ostensibly pretty strict. No tolerance. Or something like that.

One day, as I was walking through the hall between classes, I saw one student pass a cigarette to another. According to the discipline policy, he should be expelled from school for three days with the possibility of a police referral. I’m not that lucky.

“Brian. Come here,” I say upon seeing the really cool cig. The other student quickly disappeared. “Did I see a cigarette? I really wish I hadn’t. Now I have to turn you in, which is a waste of my time. This is stupid. Come with me.”

Brian reluctantly follows me to the security office.

“I just saw him put a cigarette in his pocket,” I inform the security guard.

“Let me see it,” she says in a harsh man-voice.

Brian turns out his pockets revealing the cigarette and hands it to the guard.

She examines it. “Are you eighteen?” she asks.

He nods.

She hands him back the cigarette. “You need to keep that in your pocket.”

He does and walks away smiling.

"Or we could just let him smoke in the school. And I don’t think there’s enough alcohol in school either. Let’s let them drink. I can buy them cigarettes and beer. How about some illegal recreational drugs too? After all, the drug policy is means nothing," I say to the security guard.

I don't really say that. But it does cross my mind.